15 Celebrity Nose Jobs – Yay or Nay?

Jennifer Aniston Nose

Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston has been refreshingly open about her rhinoplasty, unlike many other celebrities who keep it a secret. In her twenties, she confirmed having undergone a nose job to address a deviated septum caused by a broken nose in high school. She even jokes about it in interviews, proclaiming it the “best thing” she ever did and highlighting the positive impact on her sleep quality. By discussing common procedures like this with transparency, Aniston helps normalize conversations around cosmetic surgery.

Lisa Kudrow Nose

Lisa Kudrow

Lisa Kudrow, known for her role in Friends, has been refreshingly honest about her cosmetic surgery experiences. The actress admitted to having a rhinoplasty at the age of 16, describing it as a life-changing procedure that boosted her confidence. Kudrow appreciates the impact it had on her acting career. While she is content with her decision and its outcomes, she has expressed concerns about going under the knife again. She fears potential expression changes and the risk of going down a slippery slope. Kudrow’s transparency on the matter is commendable, showing that even celebrities have doubts about cosmetic procedures.